Why Your Business Needs To Be On Pinterest

business resource pinterest Aug 08, 2022
Why Your Business Needs To Be On Pinterest

Why does your business need to be on Pinterest? I have 5 reasons that you should put your business or band on Pinterest! These Pinterest tips are for those who know nothing about Pinterest or those who have tried creating a successful Pinterest strategy in the past but didn't give 100% or see success.

1. Brand Awareness- Helping others aka your ideal customer or client knowing YOU and who YOU are is vital to them liking, knowing, and trusting YOU. Connecting with your ideal customer/client is what is going to help them realize they want to purchase from YOU and not someone else.

2. Market Research- Pinterest is a gold mine for finding out what your ideal client/customer is looking for. Are they using the same verbiage that you are using in your posts, blogs, recipes, workouts. Whatever it may be make sure you are using the words THEY are using, not just what you THINK they are searching for.

3. Organic Growth- Pinterest is one of the platforms where organic growth is still possible, it is a slow burn platform but organic growth is still there and thriving. I actually only currently run ads for 1 of my 9 clients, and all of my clients have growth their stats in the last year.

4. Repurpose Your Content- You don’t need to create separate content for Pinterest unless you want to, there are ways to repurpose your current Instagram posts, stories, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, and podcasts. You just need to be smart about it and have a strategy and consistency in place for Pinterest.

5. Keywords + Consistency- This is your secret sauce for Pinterest, Pinterest wants active engaged users. If you know your keywords and are consistent on the platform you are going to see success.

Connecting with our ideal audience is the dream for most business owners. Creating and implementing a successful strategy is key!

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