What Should I Post On Pinterest

business resource pinterest Aug 10, 2022
What Should I Post On Pinterest

I get asked all the time “What should I be posting on Pinterest?!”

And to be honest I LOVE this question because most of the time I surprise people with my answer! Pinterest is the platform to repurpose with purpose!  Meaning you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to blog posts, Instagram content, Podcast Episodes, YouTube Videos, Optins, Freebies, Etsy accounts, and more!

Posting on Pinterest can easily be added to your "posting" workflow if you want it to be. You don't have to create separate content which is my favorite part! All you need is the correct sizes and keywords and post! Creating a successful Pinterest strategy doesn't have to be daunting! 

My Pinterest Masterclass shows you how to start your Pinterest successfully for YOU and your business! If you are ready to add Pinterest to your marketing plan I would love to help you!  Pinterest is my passion, my happy place, and I love learning and teaching about the platform! Pinterest is the best kept secret for most businesses, if you learn how to utilize the platform correctly it can be your secret weapon for traffic and growth.


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