Verb Energy Bar

health & wellness Sep 09, 2020
Verb Energy Bar

Verb Energy Bars combine organic green tea caffeine with healthy nutrients in a delicious, ready-to-eat snack for a long-lasting energy boost. I stumbled upon these bars one night while watching some late night instagram stories and thankfully there was a code to try all four bars for $0.95 and I'm a sucker for a deal.

All 4 bars arrived and I was pleasantly surprised by the texture and taste of 3 of the 4 bars! Well worth my $0.95 investment. Allen and I both tried all 4 bars and decided that the Peanut butter was our favorite and the Coconut Chia was a very close second for me. Allen said his second favorite was the blueberry one. Chocolate was last on my list it was a little to much for me.

But we are officially receiving our second full shipment and they are now my favorite afternoon pick me up! I highly suggest these for every busy mom, dad, college student, or working individual! Great ingredients, great customer service, and great mission.

Updated affiliate link coming soon! 

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