Steps to Break a Plateau

health & wellness Aug 17, 2022
Steps to Break a Plateau

I know so often I get messages from people who feel like they are stuck in their wellness journey, they feel like they are just sitting there not making any progress towards their goals. Sometimes this is true and sometimes it has a lot to do with mindset and what progress evolves into over time when working on a goal. I have learned that these steps are a great way to check in with yourself and try some minor changes if you are feeling stuck on your journey!

  • Recommit like it is day 1; re-framing you mindset to go back to the basics is going to help your recommit and see where you may have gotten lazy, or may have fallen off. Continue to ask yourself if you are as committed as you were in the beginning. The best example that I have for this is around 2B Mindset for myself I was diligent in the beginning to track all of my water intake to make sure I was hitting my daily water goal, well now I have gotten in the habit of forgetting to track my water throughout the day and try to remember after the fact and then I just continue to get lazier about tracking.
  • Focus on what's healthy for weight loss, not just healthy- This is a HUGE one for a lot of the individuals that I work with; they get hung up on the word "healthy" or "treat" when in reality we are all different and we all have slightly different habits and routines that are going to work for our own weight loss journey. Figuring out what is "healthy" and "effective" for you is going to be what will help you success. You don't need to ingest 100 protein balls a week or workout 2 hours a day to see success. You need to focus on YOU and what habits and routines are going to work for YOU!
  • Check how many treats you are having- figuring out how many treats you are truly having a treat throughout your days/weeks. Treats can be a variety of different things; alcohol, chips, crackers, ect.
  • Change your surroundings- Are you still surrounded with positive and encouraging people, are you engaging in a community that supports you and help you reach your goals instead of destructing them.
  • Be confident and remember it's okay to keep learning or revisiting the basics of your journey to help you hold yourself accountable and not get overconfident that you know it all. It's okay to have to refresh your memory or go back to the basics.
  • Stick to the fundamentals- This might be slightly different for different people, but for 2B Mindset its going to be going back water first and veggies most.
  • Focus on the future- Yes, you are working on yourself in the moment but don't get bogged down by not seeing instant success. Focus on the big goal and all the little steps you need to take to get there!

Links to some additional resources:

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