Stepmom Guilt- How It Affects Some On A Daily Basis

stepmom Aug 07, 2019
Stepmom Guilt- How It Affects Some On A Daily Basis

Being a stepmom is one of my favorite titles that I hold, but it is also one of my most challenging. I have been a stepmom officially for just over 3 years now, and have been in my stepson’s life for over 5 years, and boy has it been a journey. Unfortunately, our co-parenting relationship is not the healthiest for anyone involved. I have tried being hands-on, I have tried stepping back, I have been the communicator and I have been told I don’t matter. Over the last 5 years we have been on an emotional roller coaster, and by we I mean my husband and me because we are a unit. But as much as we are a unit we both process ever situation a bit different. My husband is one of the strongest, most loving people I have ever met and he is a rock-star dad to both kiddos and I wouldn’t change any of that for the world.  

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