Repurpose Your Content With Purpose!

business resource pinterest Aug 09, 2022
Repurpose Your Content With Purpose!

Are you creating consistent Instagram posts, Facebook post, Tiktoks, or YouTube videos?! If the answer is yes then keep reading! I work with my clients to help them repurpose their content with purpose and grow their audience! In this blog post you are going to learn some of my Pinterest tips and tricks!

Consistency is key when it comes to Pinterest and if you are already creating consistently for another platform why not repurpose that content for Pinterest! Why recreate the wheel when you are already pouring your heart and soul into the original piece of content?!

SIMPLE FORMULA: Create a rockstar piece of content for another platform ➡️ repurpose that content into...An Idea Pin ➡️ A Video Pin ➡️ Create 2-5 static pins.

If this sounds overwhelming no worries; I am here to help you in any way I can! I offer an intro Pinterest Masterclass, Pinterest Strategy Sessions, or Pinterest Management!

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