Mindset & Business
Aug 19, 2022
I had the opportunity to virtually sit down with Mandy Evill and talk about Mindset and Business! Watch our virtual interview below! We talk for 20 minutes about her top 3 tips for having the best mindset for your business going into the new year!
Who is Mandy?
Are you an entrepreneur or business owner and want to know how to improve your mindset, leverage your unique powers and improve the profitability in your business?
I help go-getters like you pivot your business success through the power of your mindset.
Having worked in business my whole life, I reached a point of burnout around five years ago.
It was at this time that I met my coach, Bob Proctor. I quickly became one of his top 1% global consultants, and now, I make it my mission to share all of my knowledge with people who are the real action takers, high achievers and maybe have also hit a plateau in your professional lives.
Book a complimentary 15-30 minute strategy call with me to discuss how I can help you supercharge your mindset to create higher level of permanent success.
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