Hungryroot Delivery!
Mar 01, 2023
If you guys follow me on my other social platforms you know that we get our Hungryroot deliveries every so often; well I forgot to pick our meals and skip it this week so this is what we got! Let's make these meals together this week! Unfortunately our delivery was delayed due to a snowstorm; we were supposed to receive our products on Wednesday and it did not come until Friday mid morning. I was already out of town for State Gymnastics for 2 days so I was unable to do an official unboxing boxing because Allen had to put it away while I was gone.
We were supposed to have ingredients for 3 different meals - Juicy Lemon Chicken, Roasted Potatoes + Caesar Salad, Ribeye Steak + Caramelized Onion Sandwich, & Miso Citrus Chicken + Zucchini Stir Fry. Our Caesar salad dressing was damaged in route and our Zucchini was moldy by the time it arrived so we were unable to use those two products.
We are however making the recipes work for us! We made the Lemon Chicken with roasted potatoes! We skipped the caesar salad since we were in a hurry and the dressing was no longer included but I will use the spinach that was originally needed for that recipe somewhere else this week! I forgot to take my photo cause we were in a hurry but here is what it should have looked like!
The lemon chicken was a 10/10 from all of us and we also love those mini potatoes we buy them at the grocery store every so often as is!
Recipe number two is going to be our steak sandwiches! I am SOOOO excited for this one! I am going to add some cheese from our fridge and use some of the spinach to make it a fuller sandwich!
Last recipe we are going to make this week is the Chicken Stir Fry! Since we don't have the zucchini we are going to use up whatever veggies we need to use up in the fridge! I LOVE that this chicken is precooked so it makes making the meal quick and easy!
Even with the hiccups of this box Hungryroot Customer Service was great and so willing to work with us and refunded me a portion of our order to make up for the delay and the products that were not useable! I would love to hear what your favorite Hungryroot recipes are!
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