Homemade Crunch Wrap Recipe

dinner recipes easy recipes Feb 08, 2022
Homemade Crunch Wrap Recipe

Skip the fast food and make this Crunch Wrap at home! This has become of our favorite dinner recipes! I love that we can customize them to our favorites and grilling them on our griddle is one of my favorite ways to make them during the warm months!



  • 1 Tortilla (I used the large ones)
  • 3-4 Tortilla chips broken up
  • 1/4 cup Taco meat (ground beef cooked with taco seasoning)
  •   Lettuce (to your liking)
  •   Tomato (to your liking)
  •   Shredded Mexican cheese (to your liking)
  •   Taco sauce (to your liking)
  •   Optional ingredients: Bell peppers, onion, avocado, salsa


  1. Heat a skillet with cooking spray (I actually used our griddle).

  2. Assemble tortilla cheese, taco sauce, veggies, meat, tortilla chips and fold.

  3. Place folded side down in pan for 5ish minutes, spray the side that’s up with cooking spray and flip cook an additional 3-5 minutes.

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