Freezer Meal Girls Night? Have You Done It?
May 04, 2021
Talk about perfect girls night; this one combines two of my favorite things to do. Spend time with friends & meal prep!
This time we were lucky enough to leave with 7 different meals; I personally was responsible for 3 chicken recipes. With summer right around the corner I chose two that could be grilled if you desired. I posted a few photos of our girls night on my social media and you guys blew up my inbox on how we came up with this idea and how we make it work. So I figured I could let you in on our secrets!
Step 1: Pick a date!
Step 2: Pick your recipes!
Pro Tip: Make sure to share with your friends and get everyones opinions so you aren't making the same foods, and you know if others are allergic to certain foods, or just won't eat certain foods.
Step 3: Make your shopping list!
Pro Tip: I write out all the ingredients with measurements and then times them by how many meals you need to make. This will make your shopping trip easier. After I write down all my ingredients I check our cabinets/fridge/freezer and cross off everything I already have enough of in our house. This eliminates excess buying and helps keep you on track at the store.
Step 4: Go Shopping!
Pro Tip: Make sure you have your list with you! I don't know how many times I have gone to the store with out my list and then have to make more than 1 trip; which is always a bummer.
Step 5: Prep/ Head to girls night!
Pro Tip: If you can plan your shopping trip to be right before girls night that is always the easiest, but if that is not an option I always put the ingredients that I can in a 31 bag right after shopping so all I have to do is grab that and whatever is in the fridge and freezer.
Here is a sneak peak to our latest girls night!
Packing up my supplies!
Bags are filling up!
Ranch Parmesan Chicken Recipe
Brown Sugar Pineapple Chicken
Honey Mustard Chicken
Beef & Broccoli
Honey Beer Porkchops
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