Flatbread Pizza

2b mindset easy recipes Nov 08, 2021
Flatbread Pizza

This easy and delicious taco inspired flatbread pizza was a family hit in our house! Keep this recipe budget friendly by getting in season ingredients or shopping at Aldi!



  •   Flatbread
  •   Ground beef
  •   Taco seasoning
  •   Peppers
  •   Red onion
  •   Tomatoes
  •   Avocado
  •   Taco sauce
  •   Queso
  •   Shredded cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°, brown the hamburger and prep the veggies. Sautéed red onion and peppers.

  2. Place flatbread in oven with no toppings for 10-15 minutes depending on how crisp you want it. Drain meat and add taco seasoning.

  3. Take out flatbread and spread a layer of queso on the bottom. Add taco meat then whatever other toppings you'd like.

  4. Put back in the oven for 7-10 minutes with a pan otherwise the queso will be everywhere.

  5. Cut and top with whatever else you'd like such as avocado or crushed Doritos!

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