Coffee Recipes at Home

coffee recipes health & wellness Aug 02, 2022
Coffee Recipes at Home

Warm Vanilla Latte

Combine and enjoy!

Watch video here!

White Chocolate Peppermint Latte

  1. Warm milk
  2. Add Javy
  3. Add Syrup and sauce
  4. Top with whipped cream

See post here!

Salted Caramel Latte

  1. Drizzle cup with white chocolate
  2. Add Coffee Concentrate, Oatmilk, salted caramel syrup, and ice
  3. Top with whipped cream and caramel

See post here!

Iced Coffee

Mix everything together and enjoy!

See video here!

French Vanilla Iced Coffee

Mix every together and enjoy!

See video here!

Iced Caramel Coffee

Mix everything together and enjoy!

See video here!

Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte With Oat Milk & Caramel

Mix everything together and enjoy!

See video here!


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