Cheeseburger Casserole Recipe

dinner recipes easy recipes Sep 06, 2023

Welcome to the ultimate comfort food experience – Cheeseburger Casserole! If you're a cheeseburger lover, this is the recipe you've been waiting for. Imagine all the delicious flavors of a juicy cheeseburger combined into a hearty, cheesy casserole. It's a meal that will satisfy your burger cravings and leave you wanting more. Whether you're gathering with friends for a casual dinner or looking for a family-friendly recipe, this Cheeseburger Casserole is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Get ready to indulge in layers of seasoned ground beef, gooey cheese, and all your favorite burger toppings, baked to perfection. So, roll up your sleeves and let's dive into this mouthwatering Cheeseburger Casserole recipe!


  • Hamburger
  • Bell Peppers
  • Purple onion
  • Ranch
  • Lowerys seasoning
  • Avocado Oil 
  • Sweet Potatoes 
  • Tomatoes
  • Pickles
  • Cucumbers
  • Cheese
  • Mayo & Ketchup for sauce (could do without this and just use thousand island) 



  • Brown your hamburger 
  • Dice up your veggies 
  • Add the oil to the pan with the veggies and seasoning and place in the oven 
  • Add cheese the last 15 minutes 
  • Dice up your other toppings 
  • Assemble your bowls! 

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