Burger in a Bowl

2b mindset dinner recipes easy recipes Jul 13, 2021
Burger in a Bowl

Burger in a bowl or deconstructed burger recipe! It was so yummy and so quick to make!



  • 1 lb Hamburger
  •   Lettuce (I used Romaine)
  •   Spinach
  •   Tomato
  •   Shallot
  •   Cheese
  •   Pickles
  •   Seasoning salt
  •   Thousand Island dressing


  1. Brown hamburger with slices shallots and seasoning salt.

  2. Prep veggies, pickles, and cheese.

  3. Assemble your bowl as you wish; I did spinach and lettuce on the bottom, then add tomatoes, cheese, pickles, hamburger, then Thousand Island dressing.

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