Blue Corn Taco Cups

aldi easy recipes Aug 29, 2022
Blue Corn Taco Cups

Healthy, delicious, budget friendly Mexican food! All these ingredients were bought from Aldi, and this recipe was hubby & kid approved.



  • 1lb Ground Turkey
  •   Avocado
  •   Salsa
  •   Cherry Tomatoes
  •   Red Onion
  •   Belle Pepper (I used yellow)
  •   Shredded Cheese
  •   Taco Seasoning
  •   Olive Oil
  •   Blue Corn Dippers


  1. Brown Ground Turkey & Add Taco Seasoning

  2. Sautee onion & peppers in olive oil until desired texture (I do about 7 minutes), stir occasionally

  3. Add avocado & salsa together to make simple guac (you could add lime, salt, and red onion if you wish) Slice up tomatoes

  4. Assemble Blue Corn Cups; Cheese, Ground Turkey, Guac, Cherry Tomatoes & Peppers & Onions

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