5 Day Pinterest Challenge

business resource pinterest Jan 21, 2023
5 Day Pinterest Challenge

Everybody seems to be talking about Pinterest these days. It's an exciting site that people spend hours on and some say you should be using it for your business! You've been thinking about getting started but aren't quite sure where to begin or how to get the most out of it. With the 5 Day Pinterest Challenge, you'll learn how to set up your profile and get your pins organized in a way that will get you more followers and engagement. 

As a Pinterest Manager and Strategist for the last 4 years I know that Pinterest can sometimes be overwhelming! I don't want you to be overwhelmed by a platform that can be so beneficial to you and your business! In this 5 day challenge we will walk you through the basics of building out your Pinterest account to maximize your presence on Pinterest! 

This 5 day challenge is broken up into 5 different training videos with 1 Q&A video; each video is 15-30 minutes long to help educate you and give you actionable steps to start using Pinterest. 

What you'll get during this challenge:

  • Setting up your Pinterest Account
  • Building out 5+ Boards 
  • Learning how to create pins
  • Keyword Research for your boards, pins, and other content 
  • Learning how to schedule content 
  • Q&A Call 
  • Workbook to go along with the challenge
  • Forever access via kajabi 

For those who are just starting a Pinterest account, this challenge will help you find your style and become more effective at organizing content and utilizing the platform for your benefit. For those who already have an account but need to expand on ideas, and make sure that you are on the right track. 

Want to learn more about the challenge via video check out some of the tiktoks I made for this challenge! 


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